Pumpkin Latkes

It's Hanukkah, and there's nothing better than digging into some latkes with apple sauce or sour cream. This year, we present a twist on the classic potato latke: a fluffy and delicious pumpkin latke!

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Francesca Furchtgott
Happy Thanksgiving from Emma's Torch!

As you sit down to your Thanksgiving feast this year, consider that this celebration of the Pilgrims fleeing England in 1620 to seek religious freedom and the promise of prosperity in a new land is just the first step in America’s long history of taking in refugees.

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Francesca Furchtgott
Eat with the Banned Photos

What an incredible evening! We had a full room at the Institute of Culinary Education to hear Julia Turshen and Claus Meyer speak. Our students cooked along renowned Chef Harold Villarosa of Insurgo Project. Many thanks go to Ethan Frisch of Burlap and Barrel for speaking spice! And huge thanks go to all of our goody-bag donors. 

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Francesca Furchtgott
Belgian Waffles with Poached Cherries

If you think Belgian waffles have been around forever, here’s something for you: they made their first appearance on the global stage at the Brussels World Fair Expo in 1958 and were introduced to North America in 1962 at the Century 21 Exposition in Seattle.

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Francesca Furchtgott