Kerry's Speech at JDS High School Graduation

Parents, grandparents, educators,  the great class of 2017. I am so honored to be here.

Some professors ominously tell their students “look to the right, look to the left. By the end of the semester one of you will have dropped out.” What I can say today is “look to your left, look to your right, you are sitting next to the people who will walk you down the aisle at your weddings, hold your hands when you need it, and be your lifelong friends.”

One of my favorite JDS memories was in 2004 when the seniors took over the loudspeaker, and proceeded to give away the ending to every book on the English curriculum. Spoiler alert: Romeo and Juliet--dead. Gatsby--dead.  Oh, and don’t even get me started on “Of Mice and Men.”

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Francesca Furchtgottspeech
URGENT: Take Action for Refugees Today

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

-Emma Lazarus 

Dear friends,

Today is a dark day for America. A nation which has long been a haven for the persecuted and the disenfranchised is turning its back on its principles of diversity and inclusion.

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Francesca Furchtgott
ICYMI: Kerry's speech from our launch event!

Thank you all so much for joining us this evening.

Over the last year I have gotten to know a very special person. No, I am not talking about my fabulous husband (thanks Tomer!) or our new neighbors in New York, but rather my new gal pal, Ms. Emma Lazarus.

For those you who have not met Emma, we are experiencing her legacy tonight, in this very room.

Emma Lazarus lived in a world filled with unrest and strife. Born into a wealthy Jewish family in the 1800s, she could have easily let her gender or position in society stop her from engaging in social justice.

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Kerry Brodiespeech, opening