Emma's Torch in Edible Manhattan

2023 Giving List

There is no time to donate money to charity like the present—though the holidays surely get the ball rolling. This year, Kristina Graeber—Director of Programs at the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund—shares a list of her favorite food-related organizations (including ASLF of course) in hopes of furthering donations among New York readers, and then some.

A special quote from Kristina on this year’s giving list: “Food can be so life-changing: to have enough, to learn about how it is produced, and to experience it in a way that excites the senses—it’s alchemy. I love working for the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund because we get to witness the “a-ha moments” that come along with a transformative encounter with food. Our work with ASLF allows us to partner with other incredible nonprofits on this list like ReThinkFood, Emma’s Torch, and the Food Education Fund. These organizations, along with ASLF, are creating opportunities I wish I had known about when I was a young person. I’m proud to be in their company and have great admiration for the work that they do.”… Read more

Emma's Torch