Emma's Torch in Hospitality From Within

Ep 3 - Leading with determination and community with Kerry Brodie

This episode is a collaborative conversation with Kerry Brodie, the Executive Director and Founder of Emma’s Torch. Kerry openly shares her journey on taking a leap in her career to follow a loud calling to bring Emma’s Torch to life. Through the journey, she has evolved as a leader and shares what she’s learned along the way. Leadership is not a solo act and she continues to learn every day through collaboration and listening to her colleagues and students. It is through determination and her endless curiosity to question the status quo that defines her leadership style. And no matter what, community runs deep in Kerry’s ethos and it has continued to remain one of her pillars in her professional life that comes back to on a daily basis. I’m so excited for everyone to be just as inspired as I am by Kerry!…Read More

Emma's Torch